terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2015

16.06.2015 : dreams

blanck mass . atrophies
dean blunt . blow

△ abba zabba  hudson mohawke  lanterns 
indian steps (featuring antony)

jam city . crisis

△ crónica  actually pop  catarina antunes 
grimes . skin
grimes (featuring majical cloudz) . nightmusic
majical cloudz . turns turns turns

air . talisman
arcade fire . sprawl ii (soulwax remix)
beck . dreams

terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2015

09.06.2015 : stage or screen

death cab for cutie . no room in frame
unknown mortal orchestra . stage or screen
jenny hval .  that bottle is over
real estate . talking backwards
soak . b a nobody
echo lake . sun

△ abba zabba  jamie xx  in colour 
seesaw (featuring romy)
stranger in a room (featuring oliver sim)
the rest is noise

belle and sebastian . the party line
ariel pink . black ballerina
mark ronson . daffodils (featuring kevin parker)
on an on . it's not over (the twelves remix)

terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2015

01 / 06 / 2015

animal collective . no more runnin
panda bear . tropic of cancer
atlas sound w/ laetitia sadier . quick canal
taylor mcferrin . postpartum
jam city . proud
jai paul . btstu
jamie xx . gosh

abba-zabba: unknown mortal orchestra | multi-love

necessary evil
stage or screen

flying lotus . coronus, the terminator
seeelenluft . manila